Wednesday, September 5, 2012

On the road again (kinda)

This is a traveling post, I don't wear make up while traveling, you have been warned. We left Lubbock on a Thursday so we could drop off our Mariner to be shipped from Dallas on Friday and then fly out Saturday morning. As we were driving to our hotel we passed Medieval Times, we've never been there so we decided to go that night. There was no time to freshen up from the drive, but it was the only time we could go while we were in town. So we went.  


 It was a blast. I think I was the most excited. If you haven't been, I highly suggest you do. It's dinner (that you eat with your hands) and a show. We really enjoyed it.

Friday we drove all over Dallas/Fort Worth looking for a car wash. Using google maps. On my phone. Then we dropped off our car to be shipped. It was a bad feeling to be without a car.

 Saturday morning We packed up and flew out. The Dallas airport wasn't too crowded and we had no trouble finding our way around. New York was a different story. We had to wait 30 minutes when we arrived before we could get off the plane, and with an hour and a half layover, that was a problem. It was crazy in there! We finally found where we needed to be. We flew on a huge Air France plane. It was a seven hour flight. The TVs were broken in our seats, what a bummer.

 We arrived at the Paris airport around 5:30 a.m. Sunday. That airport was really nice, and we found our way around it easier than I thought we would. Two years of high school french had nothing to do with it. We finally got to Verona airport around 10 a.m. and were picked up by Trevor's sponsor (he helps us with pretty much everything here). There were a few hours to kill before check in, so we went to play at a near by park and ate at a cafe. After that we crashed till the next morning when Trevor had to go into work. So far things are going good. We have a lot of help and it has made things easier.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


We made it. Finally. Before I get into everything that is going on now, I want to play some catch up.

Before the big trip, we spent some  alot of time back home in Lubbock. Hayden had his 4th Birthday party early. Pokemon has been all the boys have talked about for almost THREE MONTHS. Seriously. They watch the movies, the t.v. shows, they have pokemon toys that don't get put down all day long, it's all they talk about. I never thought I would wish they would like cars again.

Trevor killed a demon snake that almost ate me. He is my hero for life.

Before we left I had to get a copy of The Hunger Games on Blu-ray. And a Hunger Games blanket, because I'm cool like that.


Dain and Hayden were almost eaten by Hippos.

That is most of the excitement that went on while in Lubbock. I will (hopefully) have a little something cooked up later this week. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012


It's July! We have less than 3 weeks till we pack up and leave San Angelo. In a month we will be heading to Italy! For now we are spending our time relaxing at home playing video games and hanging out at the pool. Dain took swimming lessons and is starting to become a little fish. Hayden mostly floats around with his floaties. Trevor is still waiting on his orders, but they should be in sometime next week, then hopefully we will know what is happening when. As for me, I've been trying to de-clutter the house. Not an easy task, but with luck I will be done by the time the movers are here. Hopefully we will have more news soon!


Thursday, May 24, 2012

No News

It has been over a month since my last post, I am a terrible blogger. I thought that once I was out of school for the summer that I would be able to blog more, wrong! I have been home with Hayden. We have been lounging around and playing and enjoying the quiet. Dain is graduating from kindergarten next Friday and I am thrilled. I have high hopes for this summer. I plan to get things back in order around the house before it all gets packed and shipped.

We still don't have any new information about the big move. We are waiting, and not so patiently. I am concerned because we still don't have orders (the official papers telling us to go), and that is making me crazy. At this point we are thinking that we will leave San Angelo in mid July and report to Italy around the first of August. During that brief time in between we are staying in Lubbock to spend time with family and friends, so if you are either, that is the time to see us!

If anyone wants to get together before we leave let us know, we would love to see everyone before we go. That also means if you want to visit while we are in San Angelo let us know.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dain's birthday

Wow. It has been a while since my last post, but here is the belated post on Dain's 6th birthday. (Warning: This is a picture heavy post.)

His party was in Lubbock on Easter weekend. As usual we had it at Trevor's moms house (what a good sport of her). If you didn't catch a look at the practice cake you can see it here. Dain decided a few weeks ago that he wanted a Star Wars birthday party and that he wanted a R2D2 cake. I like a challenge.

Here is a brief and not at all detailed cake how-to.

(I used skewers as dowels)

Then POOF, you have a cake! Ok, it's not as simple as that, but you get the idea.

Now that I look back, I wonder why I didn't attach the legs when we got to Lubbock. It would have made getting this dude to the party a lot easier. I ended up losing balance while in Big Spring so his face was slightly smashed for the party, but Dain didn't mind so that's all that matters.

The party was fun and Dain loved seeing everyone and all of the gifts he got are still in good condition (win!) After the party we had our family easter egg hunt. All of the kids got about the same amount of eggs. Thank you to everyone that made it! It was a fun weekend.

Friday, March 30, 2012


Happy Friday everyone! I know I  haven't posted in a while, so I thought I would do some catch up.
First things first, spring break kicked my butt. My sleep schedule got completely screwed up due to Trevor working night shifts, I can never get to sleep at a good time those nights. The first week back to school was brutal. I am still getting over the no sleep thing and am slowing working my way to healthier sleep patterns. (Trevor's next shifts will be nights o.o) But with all of those sleepless nights, I was able to work on my coupons.

 Yes, you read correctly, coupons. I am not very organized with most things, but couponing is the exception. I make only 1-2 big trips to the commissary a month, because lets face it, going to the store with two boys is no fun.  How do I manage that? Well it took me a while to get a routine down, but now that I have one, its easy.

Step one Get organized.
This part is important. As I said before, shopping with two little boys is not easy, especially if you are touting a stack of coupons and trying to see what is what. For a long time I carried them in an envelope and paper clip, that wasn't efficient. Then I got a great tip from my sister-in-law Keena: use a binder with baseball card holders. This is the single most time saving tip I have received.  Each coupon gets its own slot. I organize mine by month of expiration and then by food/nonfood item. This makes it easy to find the coupon fast.

Step two: Make a menu.
I usually make up a menu of what I will be cooking each night for the next two weeks/month. This is the hardest part for me. I hate trying to think ahead and decide what we will eat. I have been known to cook some of the same things all the time, but I try to mix it up a little.

Step three: Make the list.
This step is easier. Look at the menu and see what ingredients will be needed. Also look around the pantry and stalk up on your staples (milk, eggs, bread, etc.)When I make my list, I put a star by the items that I have a coupon for, that way I know when to check it for any special instructions for use.

Step four: Clip those coupons!
Start clipping. I get my coupons from our local newspaper. I know that there are places online that you can subscribe to and they will send you coupons based on what products you use, but I don't have THAT much time to commit to it, but I've heard they are great if you have time. The thing you have to know about clipping is if you are being brand specific, you will lose out on some good deals. Bottom line, be flexible.

Step five: Go shopping!
Before I started couponing, this seemed like the most intimidating part. I didn't want to be looked at like the crazy coupon lady. It was slow going at first, but I finally got into the swing of things. Tip: As I find the coupons/food items on my list, I take them out of their protective slot and put them in the binder pocket, this way I don't have to hunt for them when I'm in the check out line.

I started clipping coupons because I wanted to save money. The most I have saved in a trip was around $35 (for a two week menu trip). I have an average savings of about $20-$25. We get the paper for $7.50 a month, and there are usually 1-2 bundles of adds in each paper.

I am by no means a pro, but I am glad to be saving money for our family.

 Tonight is the long awaited date night! We are going to see The Hunger Games Movie!:) Next week I will be making the official R2D2 cake for Dain's party, so keep a look out for a post on that.

Have a good friday!


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Practice Cake!

Meet R2, Dain's practice birthday cake. He is all white and sitting on a rice crispy treat. This little guy took me 2 days to make. When it comes time for the official cake, he will be slightly taller and have smaller "legs". Oh, and have the right colors. I ran out of fondant half way through making this cake and had to break down and use store bought fondant--boo. But, practice makes perfect, so not to worry. I will hopefully be able to make a how-to post on the official R2D2 cake.

And just in case you haven't heard, The Hunger Games Movie is coming out Friday!!!!  Trevor is taking me to see the movie on the 30th. If you see it before then, DO NOT spoil it for me, ok?

(These little cuties were sitting at the front desk of the base library and I just had to snag them.)

Have a good week!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

spring break


Monday night we went to Lubbock to do a few things and visit with Trevor's mama. We have been really surprised by her reaction to our move this summer, so we had to make sure she hadn't been switched out with an alien or something. We also dropped one of our cars off to be repaired at the auto shop where my brother works,visited my mom, picked up my wedding set from Samuels where it was being repaired, and saw my sister and her beautiful baby bump. The trip was short and sweet. We came back to San Angelo Wednesday afternoon. The rest of spring break will be spent reading (yay!), relaxing, and working on Dain's practice birthday cake.

 Yes, that's right, practice cake. I am trying to make him a R2D2 cake. His birthday is in April, but this is the only time I have to try it before the party. I usually make a practice cake to work out all of the kinks before the big day. This will be the first BIG 3D cake I have made, so I want to get it right. My only worry is that it will be too big of a pain to transport it the 200 miles from our house to Lubbock. I was initially worried about the "legs" that are made of rice crispy treats. I have never made them before, and thought that they would be hard to make. WRONG! They have to be one of the easiest treats ever, what a relief. It will most likely take me two days to complete this cake, so check back for the results.

Hope your spring break is good! 


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Yes! I finally did it.

I decided to make a blog after finding out that we are moving to Ghedi, Italy this summer. I wanted to have a way to keep family and friends posted on our goings on and such, so this seemed like the perfect medium.

I want to start out by saying that we are very excited/nervous/happy/freaked out by the prospect of moving so far away from everyone and everything that we know and love. It was a total shock. Trevor always rolls with the punches and told me where we are going in a funny way.

Ten days ago I was sorting through my email while waiting on class to be over when I saw new official looking mail in my inbox. When I opened it up it said, "Congratulations on your PCS!" I was pretty excited. As much as we do like living so close to home, we still want to travel and see other bases. The email said to log in to the military portal at work to start on the out processing stuff. So I called Trevor at home and told him to get his butt to work so he could find out where we are going. He was surprised that he was getting orders, usually you have to be at a base for two years before going somewhere else, and we have been here for just over a year.

That whole afternoon I had a hard time focusing on anything. When Trevor picked me up from work I asked him if he found out where we are moving, to which he said "No, I will find out next week." Bummer. But we were very excited about going somewhere else. For the rest of the afternoon I was bubbly and wondering out loud where we might go. Later that day Trevor suggested we go to Olive Garden to celebrate out soon-to-be move. That should have been my first clue, he doesn't usually like to go there and we had been there to eat on valentines day, so I thought it was a little soon to go there again, but I'm not one to pass up on not cooking.

Dinner was tasty, but Trevor was very quiet. He was acting weird for sure. When I asked him about it he just said he was thinking about the move. I started talking about how good the food was to distract him. Trevor looked at me then, and asked: "could you get used to eating this more often?"
(with mouth full of food) "Yeah, why?" I asked.
Trevor then pulled a google map of Ghedi, Italy. I was stunned. I immediately started crying, right there in Olive Garden. I couldn't stop, or finish eating. Trevor asked what was wrong, and I said nothing, I'm just surprised and happy. He knew where we were going as soon as he got to work, he just wanted to surprise me. He's good like that.

We were really surprised. Both of us were really excited and happy to find out that we are going to Italy. But then we realized that we were going to have to tell our family. That totally brought us back down to earth. His mom took it well, which was shocking and my mom was thrilled that we get to go. Everyone else has been happy for us. I have never lived farther than 400 miles from home so I know this is going to be a big change for our little family.

There is a ton to do before the move. I plan on posting about the process and other things that are going on around here, and of course life in Italy. First thing on the agenda is Spring Break(thank god) and spring cleaning.

I hope that wasn't too boring for any of you readers (if there are any!), future posts will hopefully be more exciting/interesting:)  
